The other day I was working on some art and this thought hit me.
“It is time to start writing down my stories”.
The stories about the fascinating, beautiful people I have met in this line of work. Stories of the gorgeous women who worked with me before covid sent them fleeing to the far corners of the country. Some of this stuff is Gonzo Legend Gold.
It’s safe to say I’ve been taking a few trips down memory lane.
The truth is that I have had a lot of really interesting things happen to me since becoming a courtesan. Every day is a new adventure. Any day could be the day my life changes drastically. It’s happened a handful of times. I’ll look at my phone and someone who will turn out to be an agent of chaos or change, or both, will text me a friendly greeting. Then my life will totally change. Like the cIient that told me I would be a good sex therapist;which launched a journey into becoming trained as a sex therapist. Or the client who asked if I ever go to Minnesota. (we are celebrating 4 years together next month.) Then there's the time I was asked to bring some friends to an Apres Ski party; that’s how I met Stacy Jayne. And of course, the fateful day I walked into Holly’s hair salon, and met my beloved girlfriend and partner. How about the one shot out of town client that led me to hit bottom and quit drinking. That was pretty life changing, to say the least.
Not all of these chance occurrences led to positive outcomes. Some of the life changing events were tragic. But I don’t want to be a downer today. Those stories will have to wait.
I find this element of the unknown to be pretty thrilling, personally. The cool thing for me is that being a courtesan is just one facet of my rich and fulfilling life. When I’m not spending time with my clients I am doing any number of activities which brings me joy, spreads love, and hopefully enriches my community. Like raising kids, running businesses, working a program of recovery, making art, hitting the gym, and engaging in spiritual practice. If you have spent any time with me at all, you know that I wear a lot of different hats and go by more than a few different names.
So, I’m thinking that right now is a great time to start writing these stories down. I don’t really talk about this part of my life too much. I don’t share it with many people in my close circles. It's really personal;-for one reason. But it’s also really interesting and exciting, to me at least. Yet I don’t want to talk about myself and my job to my friends and family. Sex work can be traumatic, messy, weird, and transcendentally beautiful. I’m afraid that my personal friends would either get jealous or be judgy. Some of my stories are better suited to tell my therapist. In other words…
A lot of my experiences are things I can’t really tell anybody. But I need to tell somebody…so I’m going to tell everybody.
You, my friends, dear readers, aren’t a captive audience at all. If you don’t like what I’m writing about or how I’m writing it- you can just stop reading!
So here is my plan: Write a new story every 2 weeks from my experiences as Reno’s favorite courtesan. Video myself reading the story, with impromptu colorful anecdotes added. Post the videos online. This does double duty for me. First it gets my stories out. Second, it increases my online presence. You know me, always thinking of business.
“Liv” you might say “you hate the internet, why do you want to commit to building your online presence?” That’s a great question, thanks for asking. The answer is simple. I don’t have many ladies to manage right now, thanks to the plague; and I’m not getting any younger. To me this exercise will shine a light on my experience, wisdom, sense of humor, and business prowess. Hopefully attracting potential clients and entertainers. Besides, more than a few people have been asking me to do this for a while now, maybe years. That and it forces me to stay current in the ever changing world online. That being said, I am still Techno-Avoidant. Personally my decision to stay on the down low is a mental health choice. However I understand that as a business woman I do need a minimum of online exposure.
“Liv”, you may say, “you told us all this in your last email. Where’s the new stuff”?
Sorry, here we go…
I was born a Sacred Whore. I’m serious, friends. I remember being a kid and thinking that the perfect job for me would involve magic and being slutty. Go ahead and laugh all you want, I'm drop dead serious about that. I remember being 3 and freaking out because my clit was tingling. Obviously I didn’t know what a clit was, so I asked my grandma to look and make sure I was okay. She did, she said “it’s nothing”.
HA! Womanhood, sexuality, and erogenous zones aren’t “nothing”!
Dismissal and avoidance were consistently presented to me as sex messages. I was a self taught Savant. I found the copy of “Joy of Sex” in my parents library (bottom shelf, behind all the other books.) I read that sucker til it fell apart. Mind you, I’m like 12 when this is going down. At 13 I got my first babysitting job. I was not prepared for the treasure trove of sex ed I would find at my new client’s house. Unbeknownst to little 13 year old me, the master of the house was a collector of fine erotic literature. He proudly displayed it in stacks and piles all over the house.
Every room was littered with big old piles of porn.
I was in teenage slut heaven. Still a virgin, but not for long. I spent all summer “babysitting” 3 youngsters and studying what I didn’t know that I didn’t know about human sexuality according to Hustler, Penthouse, and Playboy circa 1985-1995.
I was a bit disappointed in how sexually curious boys my age were. Who knew that 14 year old boys were still kinda scared of girls and definitely not ready to do what I wanted to do. So, like any smart little horny girl, I looked for guys with more experience. Usually that landed me firmly in what the State of Ohio referred to as “statutory rape”. But I knew what I was doing. I just needed to cut my teeth on some older men.
Some things never change I guess.
Boy, was my mom mad about all that. Bless her heart, she tried to keep me away from the men. I would sneak out, lie, or just fuck off on my bike. Then when I got my driver’s license I was a real hot little hussy. Silly me- I wasn’t getting paid to do any of this sexual experimenting. Unbeknownst to me I was learning the tricks of my trade. My guidance counselor never told me that I could make a comfortable living off of being sexually promiscuous. I was robbed of this information. So instead I went to art school and became a Chef.
Flash forward 15 years…
My chef career is winding down, but I’m still hot and bothered. Not only that but I’m in my 30s. The horniest I’ve ever been, looking for a new career, and ready to make good on some fantasies about being a Priestess Prostitute. I did some really fast research online. I mean, maybe 2 hours of research. I found the websites where girls like me advertise. I learned the lingo, snapped some naughty pictures, posted those suckers, and away I went.
(Bonus content! Check out this link if you want to see my first advertising pictures! SCARY!)

My first real client as Olivia LaRue was a short, pudgy old dude. When I got to the casino I got lost trying to find the room. I was such a newbie. Once I got there though, it was like a switch flipped inside of me. It didn’t matter that he was short and homely. I was there to be beautiful and nice. I was there to fulfill a fantasy. Such power-it’s intoxicating. (To be fair he wrote me a 5 star review which catapulted my career. Thank you Mr. X). When I left the room an hour later I had $300 in my pocket. I’m here to tell you friends, that feeling of making money off of being sexy- is highly addictive. I knew right then and there that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing. I felt like the Goddess of Love had appointed me as her agent. 7 years later I haven’t changed my mind about that.
Are parts of this job gross? Yes. Is this job dangerous? Oh yes, it definitely has an element of danger. Does it help to be smart? Totally.
I don’t recommend starting out the way I did to any woman that wants to get into this business. I was lucky. And by lucky, I mean Blessed. I was blessed to not be hurt or worse in the beginning. I was blessed to find really sweet clients who helped me smooth the rough edges. I was blessed to have life changing experiences that led to becoming a better version of myself. Not all women who do this are blessed like that. Some of them are or become addicted to drugs. Some of them get hurt. Some of them die.
That’s why I started the Biggest Little Escort Service and Courtesan Consulting. I wanted to start a business where Hobbyists (clients) and Providers (escorts) could learn the ropes of the business safely and with love and kindness. There is no reason why this work needs to be dangerous and dirty. It can be good clean fun. That’s my experience at least.
There you go, friends. A little origin story of Olivia LaRue for you today. Let me know what you think, please and thanks! Talk soon! Xoxo Liv